The origin and history of Signet Rings

Signet rings have been a cornerstone of jewelry for centuries, but where did they come from and why are they so popular? Signet rings are associated with class and family, often being passed down through generations. They’re also seen as powerful symbols of status or office. In this blog article, we’ll explore the history of signet rings and how this timeless piece of jewelry has evolved over the years. We’ll look at why people wear them, what materials they were made from in different centuries, and how signet rings are still relevant today. Read on to learn more about their origins and history!

Gold signet ring

Gold signet ring

The history of the signet ring

Signet rings have been around for centuries and their history is very interesting. The first signet rings were probably developed in ancient Egypt as a way to seal documents. These rings would have a design or symbol on them that would be used to make an impression in wax, which would then Seal the document.

The use of signet rings spread to other cultures and eventually became a status symbol. In medieval Europe, only the nobility and upper class could afford signet rings. They were often used to Seal important documents, such as treaties and contracts. But they were also worn as a fashion accessory and as a way to show off one's wealth and status.

Today, signet rings are still worn as a fashion accessory but they are no longer just for the wealthy. Anyone can buy a signet ring and have it personalized with their own initials or design.

Signet ring

Signet ring

What is a Signet Ring?

A signet ring is a ring that bears a personal seal, typically in the form of a coat of arms. These rings have been used since ancient times to stamp seals on documents, and they remain popular today as symbols of authority and lineage.

Signet rings are usually made of gold or silver, and their design is often quite simple. The seal is usually carved into the bezel (the raised portion that surrounds the stone), although it can also be engraved into the stone itself. The most common stone used for signet rings is a hardstone such as agate, onyx, or jasper; however, gemstones such as diamonds and sapphires are also sometimes used.

The use of signet rings dates back to ancient times, when they were used to stamp seals on documents. In medieval Europe, these rings became associated with nobility and royalty, as they were used to mark official documents with a person's coat of arms. Today, signet rings are still popular as symbols of authority and lineage.

Gold crest signet ring

Gold crest signet ring

The History of Signet Rings

Signet rings have a long and storied history, dating back thousands of years. The earliest known examples come from ancient Egypt, where they were used as a seal to stamp documents with the wearer's personal signature. From there, the practice spread to other cultures around the Mediterranean and then to Europe, where signet rings became a status symbol among the nobility.

During the Renaissance, signet rings reached their peak of popularity and sophistication. They were often engraved with intricate designs that conveyed the wearer's family crest or coat of arms. By this time, signet rings were also used as a form of personal identification; when someone needed to verify another person's identity, they would look at their signet ring.

Today, signet rings are still worn by many people as a way to show their status or affluence. However, they are no longer solely the province of the wealthy and powerful; anyone can wear a signet ring as a stylish piece of jewelry.

How to Wear a Signet Ring

A signet ring is a finger ring that has a seal engraved in it. The seal is used to make an impression in wax, clay, or some other soft material. This was once a common way to seal documents, and it was also used as a way to sign documents that could not be signed in person. Today, signet rings are mostly worn as jewelry, but they can still be used to make impressions.

To wear a signet ring, you will need to find the right size for your finger. The seal should be placed on the third finger of your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, this would be your right hand. If you are right-handed, this would be your left hand. Once you have found the correct size, put the ring on your finger and adjust it so that the seal is visible.

If you want to use your signet ring to make an impression, you will need to find a piece of soft wax or clay. Place the wax or clay on a hard surface and then press the ring into it firmly. The seal should leave a clear impression in the wax or clay.

Styles of Signet Rings

Signet rings have been around for centuries and their style has evolved over time. The most common style of signet ring is the seal ring, which features a design on the bezel that can be pressed into wax to make an impression. This type of ring was popular in medieval times and is still seen today. Another common style is the intaglio ring, which has a design carved into the stone that is meant to be read when the stone is held up to the light. Intaglio rings were popular in ancient times and are still made today. modern signet rings often feature simple designs or initials, but some people still prefer the more traditional styles.

Signet ring with gemstones

Signet ring with gemstones

Buying a Signet Ring

When it comes to buying a signet ring, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider the metal that the ring is made from. Gold is the traditional metal for signet rings, but silver or platinum can also be used. Second, think about the style of the ring. Do you want a simple band with a seal engraving, or do you want something more ornate? Third, decide what size ring you need. Signet rings are typically worn on the pinky finger, so make sure to get a size that will fit comfortably. Lastly, think about the engraving on the ring. This is usually a family crest or monogram, but it can be anything you want. Once you have all of these factors sorted out, you can start shopping for your perfect signet ring!


Signet rings have been around for centuries and are still a popular choice among jewelry lovers today. They can be made in many different metals, styles, and sizes to suit any taste or preference. Whether you're looking for a signet ring as an accessory statement piece or one with special meaning, it's sure to make a lasting impression. With its timeless appeal, the signet ring is an iconic symbol that has stood the test of time and continues to capture our imaginations today.